Scryer Prolog

Module error

:- use_module(library(error)).

No description

must_be(Type, Term)

This predicate is intended for type-checks of built-in predicates.

It asserts that Term is:

  1. instantiated and

  2. instantiated to an instance of the given Type.

It corresponds to usage mode +Term.

Currently, the following types are supported:

  • atom
  • boolean
  • character
  • chars
  • in_character
  • integer
  • list
  • octet_character
  • octet_chars
  • pair
  • term

can_be(Type, Term)

This predicate is intended for type-checks of built-in predicates.

It asserts that there is a substitution which, if applied to Term, makes it an instance of Type.

It corresponds to usage mode ?Term.

It supports the same types as must_be/2.

call_with_error_context(+Goal, +Pair)

Call Goal with error context Pair.

Examples of error contexts: predicate-PI, file-Filename etc.


